Thursday, August 3, 2023

Manual Osteopathy, what is it and what drew me toward it?

 1. What is Osteopathy? 

Manual osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of various musculoskeletal and systemic conditions using a combination of manual techniques. A detailed history is taken to open discussion between the patient and the therapist; this presents an opportunity for current conditions, goals, and other factors to be discussed.  Practitioners take various factors into account, including the patient's medical history, lifestyle, and emotional well-being, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.
At its core, manual osteopathy focuses on the anatomy of the body.  As such, manual osteopathy views the body as a complex and interconnected system in which optimal health relies on the harmonious functioning of all its parts. During a manual osteopathy session, the practitioner employs a range of techniques to identify and address areas of dysfunction, including muscle tension, joint restrictions, and imbalances in the body's structure. These techniques may include soft tissue release, joint mobilization, stretching, gentle rhythmic movements, and exercise prescription. The goal is to restore proper alignment, enhance tissue mobility, improve circulation, and promote the body's natural healing mechanisms.

One of the key principles of manual osteopathy is the concept of somatic dysfunction. Somatic dysfunction refers to an impaired or altered function of the musculoskeletal system, which can affect the overall health and well-being of an individual. Manual osteopaths use their highly trained palpation skills to detect subtle changes in tissue texture, movement, and energy flow, enabling them to identify and address these dysfunctions.

The benefits of manual osteopathy extend beyond the musculoskeletal system. By restoring balance and improving the body's self-regulating mechanisms, it can have a positive impact on various health conditions, such as back and neck pain, joint issues, headaches, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and stress-related ailments.

One of the primary benefits of manual osteopathy is its effectiveness in addressing a wide range of conditions and promoting general wellness. Patients seek manual osteopathic treatment for various reasons, including relief from chronic pain (such as back, neck, and joint pain), improved mobility and flexibility, enhanced circulation and lymphatic drainage, reduced stress and tension, and improved overall body function. Manual osteopathy is also known to complement traditional medical treatments and may be used as a preventive measure to maintain optimal health and prevent future issues.

Manual osteopathy is a gentle and holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on optimizing the body's self-healing abilities by addressing musculoskeletal dysfunctions. The benefits of manual osteopathy include pain relief, improved mobility, and overall wellness. Treatment involves hands-on techniques that aim to restore balance and address the root causes of the patient's condition. Before receiving treatment, potential patients should ensure they consult with qualified and reputable manual osteopaths to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

2. Why did you choose it as a profession? 

I sustained a multitude of different injuries as a dancer growing up and in my twenties.  One such injury was a chronic back injury where it hurt to lay down, breathe, walk, or dance in my twenties.  I had something similar to it as a teenager; with a lot of massage therapy and anti-inflammatory medication, I was able to get it to ease and was able to return to dance again.  

Fast forward a handful of years, and I was dealing with a similar injury; this time, however, the symptoms felt more severe than they had in the initial phases.  I sought care from a multitude of doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, and physiotherapists.  I was treated by professionals in the United Kingdom and in Canada.  No one seemed to know what was going on with me.  I had x-rays, was told that I would never be able to dance again, and was never really given any definitive conclusions about what was going on with my body.  

As an athlete, this had such major consequences for my mental health, weight, and ability to cope with stressors and other factors that life throws at you.  One of the administrators at the school I was going to suggested I go see a manual osteopath.  Having exhausted all other channels, I went to the individual that they recommended to me.  It was at that first session that I finally had answers as to what was happening to my body.  I had answers, and more importantly, I had hope.  I was dealing with a muscle imbalance and muscle weakness that were causing pain and having a negative impact on my biomechanics.  

I was able to get my body turned around, and I haven't dealt with that injury since.  I have had others, but not that specific one.  This introduction to manual osteopathy stayed with me upon my return to Canada.  I noticed that at that point it wasn't a common discipline in Canada at the time, so I looked into it as a potential field for myself to practice.  I was able to find information where I would have to become a medical doctor first, which is a different path than what I was interested in at the time.  

I studied a multitude of different fields after that. Some were in the healing field, and some were not.  Time passed, and I explored a variety of different options until I found that there were schools that were offering manual osteopathy.  Such that it worked well in combination with the other areas of study that I had already explored and completed.  I have been fortunate to be introduced to the field of practice many years ago, and now I too will be able to offer others hope as was offered to me when I couldn't seem to get the answers I was seeking.


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